Round Robin: Self-Managing guidelines

At Edenbridge we will try to have a volunteer available to manage our Sunday Round Robins, but there will be times when this will not be possible. We perfer not to cancel this important program as it is a useful event for players who are not participating in any of the leages, but still want to play and meet other players at the club.

When: Available every Sunday 1-3pm (May-September)

Courts: 1,2,3 will be booked for round robin play (allowing for up to 16 players)

Balls: The club will make every effort to provide used balls for round-robin play however, this may not always be possible due to volunteer availability.  Please ensure you arrive with balls for use at the round-robin.

How to play: Once the players have arrived for the round robin, each should take a position on the courts in doubles format (mixed, womens, or mens). If there is an odd number, players can play Australian (doubles vs single player) tennis.

After 40 minutes of play, everyone must stop play. Those teams with the most games/points will move to the next court up towards court 1, and split up. Winning teams on court 1 will remain, but split up. Players with less games will move down one court towards court 3 and split up. Teams already on court 3 with less games/points will remain on court three and split up. 

Once all players have shifted their court or partners, they will play again for another 40 minutes. 

This will be repeated until 3pm when the round robin is over.